For Virtual Cards issued to vendors, Corpay Complete offers users the ability to view invoice details for card transactions. Follow the steps below to access invoice information within the Cards module.
1. Log into Corpay Complete via your web browser.
2. Navigate to the Cards section, then click on the All Cards tab at the top of the page.
3. Within the All Cards grid, enter the invoice number you wanted to open in Invoice Number field. This will display all invoice records in Corpay Complete matching the number entered.
4. Click on the Card number under the Card # column for the applicable Invoice Number.
5. The above action opens the Card Details page. You can view the invoice details under the Invoices section.
Note: The Invoices section provides the following details: Invoice Number, Invoice Date, Gross Amount, Discount Amount, Net Amount, and Description.
Viewing and Downloading Invoices
Corpay Complete users have the ability to view or download invoices for card transactions. Follow the steps below to view or download invoices within the Cards module.
1. Within the Cards section, click on the Statements tab at the top of the page.
2. Under the Documents column, click the Invoice hyperlink to view or download the invoice for the specific Statement Period.
3. The above action provides a downloadable view of the invoice.
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