The Cards Module is available in Corpay Complete for users whose companies issued cards through the Corpay Complete web platform. The Cards Module allows Cardholders to have access to their personal card information, including card transactions and decline research. Corpay Complete users with Admin roles can order and perform maintenance on cards for all cardholders, as well as monitor transactions and research declines.
Card Module View for Non-admin Users
Card Module View for Admin Users
For non-admin users, the Dashboard tab within the Cards Module provides high-level information related to the user’s Corpay Cards. The Dashboard user interface contains the Stats, Card Spend by Category, New Pending Transactions, and New Declined Transactions blocs.
The Stats bloc provides numerical values related to the user’s Corpay cards. This includes the applicable numbers for Active Cards belonging to the user, the number of Expired Cards, POs Requesting a Card, Cards Near Zero Balance, Cards Fully Used, Declined Transactions, and Easy Savings.
Card Spend by Category
The Cards Spend by Category bloc provides the number of Vendors and the Total Spend Amount.
New Declined Transactions
The New Declined Transactions bloc provides the Date, Merchant, and Status Description of card-related pending transactions. Clicking the View All Declined Transactions hyperlink opens the Transactions tab with additional details for transactions with a Declined status.
Note: In addition to the Stats, Card Spend by Category, New Pending Transactions, and New Declined Transactions blocs, Corpay Complete users with Admin role can view Current Funds, Low Card Balance, New Authorized Transaction, Card Spend by Vendor, and Card Spend by Department blocs under the Dashboard tab in the Cards Module.
Current Funds
The Current Funds bloc provides the Credit Limit, Account Balance, and Available Limit amounts for the Selected Card Program (i.e., Ghost Card, Virtual Card, or Physical Card). Users also have the option to add funds using the +Add Funds feature.
Low Card Balance
The Low Card Balance bloc provides the Card #, Balance information related to the user’s Corpay card (cards). Users have the option to request an amount increase in spending limit by clicking the + icon under the Request Funds column.
New Authorized Transactions
The New Authorized Transactions bloc provides the Date, Name, Merchant, and Amount information related to the user’s recent authorized card transactions. Selecting the View All Authorized Transactions hyperlink will open the Transactions Grid with transactions with the Authorized status.
Card Spend by Vendor
The Card Spend by Vendor bloc provides the spend amount by each vendor.
Card Spend by Department
The Card Spend by Department bloc provides the spend amount by department.
Other Tabs in the Cards Module
While all non-admin users of Corpay Complete who have company issued Corpay cards can view the Dashboard, All Cards, and Transactions tabs, Admin users can view additional tabs POs Requiring Cards, Statements, Rebates, and Card Program Settings.
- All Cards tab allows users to view detailed information for all cards such as Card number, status, available balance, card program type, etc. Depending on the permissions assigned to their roles, users also may perform activities such as requesting or issuing a card.
- POs Requiring Cards tab provides a list of purchase orders through which cards are requested.
- Transactions tab provides a list of all transactions related to the user’s Corpay card(s).
- Statements tab provides statements organized by statement periods.
- Rebates tab provides the rebates statements organized by calendar month.
- Card Program Settings tab provides admin users the ability to edit and save card details such as, Minimum Balance Threshold and Amount to Fund, which is an amount to be added if the minimum threshold is reached.
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