Once your purchase order has been approved and made eligible for a virtual card, an admin is able to issue a virtual card to you in the Accrualify platform. Once this is done, a system email will notify you that a card has been issued to you and is available in the portal. To access your virtual card, first log into Accrualify.
Once in the platform, use the main navigation on the left to navigate to the Corporate Cards section.
Once in the Corporate Cards section, make sure you are in the "Issued vCards" tab. This is where you will find all virtual cards issued to you. If you are a manager of a department or team, you will also be able to see your team's cards, though full card numbers of cards not issued to you directly will remain encrypted.
To view the full details of a virtual card, either click on the card number or the view () icon on the far right of the row. This will bring you to a detail page for that virtual card.
The full card number will be encrypted for security reasons, but for cards issued to you specifically, you will see a link that says "show number" at the top of the page. Simply click this to show the full card number in order to make your purchase.
To add your virtual card to your mobile wallet, click on the "Add to Digital Wallet" button located in the top-right of your screen.
This will open a modal window with instructions on how to add your virtual card to your mobile wallet.
Alternatively, you can also access your virtual cards via the Accrualify mobile app, which is available for iOS and Android phones.
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