When users submit a purchase requisition, they have the ability to select a shipping address for item delivery. This article walks you through how to add and edit those addresses.
Adding Shipping Addresses
Step 1: click on the "Administration" menu link in the main navigation on the left of the screen.
Step 2: click on the "Bulk Operations" tab at the top.
Step 3: click on the green "System Data Import" button to access its drop down menu. In that menu, select "Shipping Address".
Step 4: you'll then see a modal window with a "choose files" button. You'll first want to download the upload template file and enter the data for your address(es) to this file. Once that is done, just upload the edited template file using the "choose files" button. After the file has been selected, the upload will automatically start.
Editing Shipping Addresses
Step 1: click on the "Administration" menu link in the main navigation on the left of the screen.
Step 2: click on the "Bulk Operations" tab at the top.
Step 3: select the "Bulk List Mgt" sub-tab just below the main tabs section.
Step 4: click on the "Select Data Mgt" button to access the drop down menu. Then select "Shipping Address" from the menu selection. This will populate a grid with all of your existing shipping addresses.
Step 5: click on the blue "+" icon located at the top-right of the grid to access the grid editor. Select the "Export all data as csv" option to download all of your shipping addresses data.
Step 6: click on the "Bulk Update" sub-tab just below the main tabs at the top of the page.
Step 7: click on the System Data Mgt" button to access its drop down menu; select the "Shipping Address" menu option. This will open a modal window just like the one used to add new shipping addresses.
Step 8: download the upload template from the modal window. Now that you have your shipping addresses and the upload template, you'll want to copy and paste the system data from the shipping address csv into the upload template. NOTE: you MUST include the shipping address system ID in order to update an existing address. Be sure the upload template has a column labeled "id".
Step 9: upload the template file via the "choose files" button. The upload will automatically start, and, once processing is complete, the changes will be effective immediately.
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