There are a few different ways to see if a receipt has been made against a purchase order.
Option 1: Check the PO
- In the main Purchase Order grid, find the PO you wish to check for item receipts. Click on the hyperlinked PO number or the eye icon in the actions section for its row.
- Once in the detail screen, click on the "Line Items" tab under the PO number. If items have been received against the line item, you will see a dolly icon to the left of the line item:
- To get more details about the item receipt, scroll down on the page and click on the "Item Receipts" tab found just under the Manual Workflow section. You will see the receipt number, date of receipt, items received, quantities and pricing. For more details you can click on the hyperlinked receipt number to see full receipt details.
Option 2: Search in the Receiving section
- Click on the "Receiving" menu item for the main menu on the left. This will bring you to the Receiving section of Accrualify.
- Click on the "Receipts" tab at the top of the dashboard screen.
- From the receipts grid, filter by PO# using the toggle filter. If your PO appears in this grid, you will be able to see the full receipt details. If your PO does not populate, that means no receipt has been made against that purchase order yet.
Option 3: While viewing an invoice
- Click on the invoice you wish to review to access its detail page.
- Scroll down to the tabs ordered Purchase Orders, Accruals, Payments & Credits, and Item Receipts. Click on the "Item Receipts" tab. This will show you all linked receipts for items on the invoice and matching purchase orders.
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