The Payment Run Details page is where users can:
- Send a message to other users in your company or to a vendor
- Submit a payment run
- Void a payment run
- Reset a rejected or voided payment run
- Remove invalid invoices from a failed payment run and resubmit the payment run
- View a summary of the upcoming payment run and estimated debit date(s) when funds will be taken from your account
- Restart, request, preview, and delete approval workflows
- Review invoices associated with the payment run
- Upload or review documents that are associated with the payment run
Note: The visibility of fields and information in Corpay Complete is based on roles and permissions assigned to users in addition to company configuration. As a result, some fields or information may not be visible or may only be available in a view only format.
Payment Run Actions
The upper right corner of the Payment Run Details page contains several action buttons that allow users to perform different actions on a payment run. The available actions depend on the status of the payment run.
The following table describes the available action buttons on the Payment Run Details page.
Action | Description |
Message |
Click the Message button to open the Message dialog, where you can access the following options:
To inform users about the internal or vendor-facing message, enter their names in the Notify User(s) field. If no user is added to the Notify User(s) field, only users with admin roles will receive a notification of a new message. |
Submit a Payment Run |
Click the Submit a Payment Run button to submit the invoice(s) in the payment run for processing and payment. If your company has configured an approval workflow, the payment run will be submitted to approvers before processing and payment. This button is only available on payment runs that have a status of New. |
Void Payment Run |
Click the Void Payment Run button to void the payment run. All related payments will be voided, associated invoices will be released, and the payment run can no longer be edited. The Void Payment Run button is only available on invoices with a status of New, Submitted, or Pending. |
Reset Payment Run |
Click the Reset Payment Run button to reset a payment run. The payment run status will return to New and invoices can be edited, added, or removed. The Reset Payment Run button is available only for payment runs with a status of Pending or Submitted. |
General Info Tab
The General Info tab contains the following information about the payment run.
The following table contains information about the fields and actions on the General Info tab.
Item | Description |
Batch Number | The Batch Number field displays the unique identifier for the payment run batch. |
Total Amount(s) | The Total Amount(s) field displays the currency and total amount of all invoices and payments in the payment run. |
Submit Date | The Submit Date shows the date when the payment run was created. |
Total Vendors | The Total Vendors field displays the number of vendors who are being paid in the payment run. |
Total Payment Count | The Total Payment Count field displays the number of payments in the payment run. |
Submitter | The Submitter field displays the name and email address of the person who submitted the payment run or Created by system for automatic payment runs. |
Payment Run Schedule Pane
The Payment Run Schedule pane provides a summary of upcoming payment runs and estimated debit dates, including the payment method types and payment accounts.
Note: This pane will only display when the payment run status is New, Submitted, or Closed.
Summary View
Click the Summary/Estimated Debit Date drop-down and choose Summary to view a summary of all payments in the payment run.
Estimated Debit Date View
Click the Summary/Estimated Debit Date drop-down and choose a debit date to view a summary of the payments that are scheduled for the estimated debit date. Estimated debit dates are calculated based on the payment method type.
Approval Workflow Pane
The Approval Workflow pane contains information about the approval workflow, if present, for the payment run.
For more information about approval workflows, refer to Restarting a Payment Approval Workflow.
The following table contains information about the fields and actions in the Approval Workflow pane.
Item | Description |
Restart | Click the Restart button to restart an approval workflow and send approval notifications to each approver in the workflow. |
Request Approval | Click the Request Approval button to manually request an approval from an approver not listed in the approval workflow. |
Preview Workflow | Click the Preview Workflow button to preview all steps in the approval workflow. |
Delete |
Click the Delete button to delete the approval workflow. Note: Clicking Delete will not change your company settings for automatically configured approval workflows. |
Approval Step | The Approval Step column displays the approval step in descending order. Click the expand |
Last Updated Date | The Last Updated Date column displays the date when the approval workflow was last updated. |
Approved Date | The Approved Date column shows the date of approval for each workflow step, if applicable. |
Rejected Date | The Rejected Date column shows the date of rejection for each workflow step, if applicable. |
Approver | The Approvers column displays the approver’s name and email address. |
Status | The Status column displays the status of the approval workflow step. |
Resend Approval | Click the Resend Approval |
View |
Click the View
Delete |
Click the Delete
Invoices Tab
Successful Payment Run
The following image is of a successful payment run.
Failed Payment Run
The following image is an example of a payment run that failed because of invalid invoices.
The Invoices tab shows a table with data about all the invoices that are part of the payment run.
The following table describes the fields and actions on the Invoices tab.
Item | Description |
Add Invoice |
Click the Add Invoice button to add another invoice to the payment run. The following conditions must be met to add invoices to a payment run:
Remove Invalid Invoices & Resubmit Batch |
The Remove Invalid Invoices & Resubmit Batch button displays when the payment run has failed because of invalid invoices. Click Remove Invalid Invoices & Resubmit Batch to remove invalid invoices and resubmit the remaining ones. The invalid invoices will be available for correction and payment on the Pay Invoices tab. |
Number | The Number field displays the invoice number. Click the invoice number to open the Invoice Details page. |
Vendor | The Vendor field displays the vendor’s name. Click the vendor’s name to open the Vendor Details page. |
Employee | The Employee field is used when a payment run includes a reimbursable expense. If present, the Employee field is populated with the user’s name for the expense report. |
Status | The Status field displays the status of the invoice. |
Amount | The Amount field displays the invoice amount. |
Originating Account | The Originating Account column displays the account from which funds will be debited for payment. |
Payment Method Type | The Payment Method Type column describes the payment method that was/will be used to pay the invoice. |
Paid Date | The Paid Date column displays the date when the invoice was paid. |
Date | The Date column displays the date when the invoice was created. |
Action |
The Action column contains the following actions when an invoice is in a New or Pending state:
Payments Tab
The Payments tab displays information about the payments in the payment run. This tab displays when the status of a payment run is:
- Pending
- Paid
- Failed
- Void
The following table describes the fields and actions on the Payments tab.
Item | Description |
Payment Number | The Payment Number column displays the payment number used to pay the invoice(s). Click the payment number to open the Payment Details page. |
Invoice Number | The Invoice Number column displays the invoice number associated with the payment. Click the invoice number to open the Invoice Details page. |
PO Number | The PO Number column displays the purchase order number associated with the invoice, if any. |
Vendor | The Vendor column displays the name of the vendor. Click the vendor’s name to open the Vendor Details page. |
Employee | The Employee field is used if a payment run includes a reimbursable expense. If present, the Employee field populates with the user's name for the expense report. |
Payment Date | The Payment Date column displays the estimated payment date or the date on which the invoices were paid. |
Status | The Status column displays the status of the payment. |
Originating Account | The Originating Account column displays the account from which funds will be debited for payment. |
Payment Method Type | The Payment Method Type column displays the type of payment method for the payment. |
Amount | The Amount column displays the payment amount. |
Action |
The Action column contains the following action icon:
Documents Pane
The Documents Pane contains supporting documents for the payment run and return files after the payment run is in an Approved status. To upload additional documents, click the Upload button.
Data Audit Log Pane
The Data Audit Log pane provides a comprehensive list of all changes and updates made to the payment run.
Activities Pane
The Activities pane shows activities that have occurred on the payment run.
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