This article provides a comprehensive guide on how to get reimbursed for out-of-pocket transactions made using personal card(s) or cash. The article guides users on how to create expense items within the Corpay Complete web application and shows the process of creating and submitting expense reports for approval within the platform. The steps in this article apply specifically to the reimbursement process for expense items related to out-of-pocket transactions made by the user.
To start the Expense Reimbursement process in the Corpay Complete in Corpay complete:
1. Log in to Corpay Complete.
2. Select the Expenses menu item from the left-side navigation pane.
3. On the Expenses tab, click + Create Expense Item.
4. Complete the fields on Create a New Expense Item page including required fields such us Upload a Receipt and Description, and then click the Create Expense Item button.
Note: If you wish to save the expense item as a draft, complete the fields on the Create a New Expense Item page and then click the Save Draft button. The expense will be assigned a status of Draft.
Note: Once you create the new expense item, you will receive a popup message confirming the creation of the expense item. The expense item will be assigned a status of New. You may repeat steps 1 – 4 to create additional expense items as applicable.
Note: As applicable, select the corresponding action to view, edit, or delete the expense item under the Actions column on the Expenses tab.
**Please note that Expense Reports are required after creating an Expense Item. To create and submit an Expense Report for your Expense Item(s), return to the Expenses tab and follow the steps below.
5. From the Expenses grid, select Unsubmitted to filter all the expense items that are not yet attached to an Expense Report. This action lets you view only the expense items not yet submitted in an Expense Report.
6. From the Nonreimbursable column, select Nonreimbursable option (see the note below for definition) from the dropdown to further filter card-expense related expense items.
Note: “Reimbursable” expenses are those that were paid for out of pocket, with either cash or card, that the company will pay back to the person submitting the expense. “Non-Reimbursable” expenses are expenses that were paid with a Corpay card and will automatically appear in the Expenses tab.
Note: If the Nonreimbursable column is not showing on your screen, expand the columns list on the right side of the grid and select Nonreimbursable from the available options.
7. As applicable, resolve any policy violations marked by the yellow exclamation mark () icon under the Violations column. This can be done either by clicking on the yellow exclamation mark (
) icon, or, by selecting the Edit (
) icon to open the expense item for editing.
Note: All expenses flagged for a violation per company policy (e.g., a missing receipt, a missing category) need to be edited and resolved before they are submitted for approval. Do this for each Expense item where there is a violation.
8. To include an expense item in the expense report, select the applicable expense item by marking the checkboxes to the left side of the expense grid.
9. Select the Bulk Action dropdown menu. This action gives you option (a) Create Expense Report, and option (b) Add to Existing Expense Report. Select either one of the two options as applicable.
a. To create a new Expense Report,
i. Select Create Expense Report from the Bulk Action dropdown menu.
ii. From the Expense Report Details page, click on Submit Report.
Note: A success message will appear showing the successful creation of a new Expense Report initiating an approval workflow.
**This completes the workflow for creating and submitting a New Expense Report for an Expense Item. Follow the steps below if the Expense Item is to be added to an already existing Expense Report.
b. To add the expense item to an existing Expense Report and submit the updated Expense Report for approval,
i. Select Add to Existing Expense Report from the Bulk Action dropdown menu.
ii. On the Add to Existing Expense Report screen, you have the option to either (1) Select an Existing Report, or (2) Create a New Expense Report (See step 9. a for details on this action). Select the applicable expense report from the Existing Report and click Add.
Note: A success message will appear confirming the successful addition of the expense item to the expense report.
Note: Each expense item will include a link to the expense report in the Expense Report # column. New expense reports are automatically assigned a status of Draft.
**Please note that the Expense Report to which you added an Expense Item needs to be submitted for approval. Follow the steps below to submit the updated Expense Report for Approval.
iii. To submit an Expense Report for approval, go to the Expense Reports tab and select the applicable Expense Report from the list.
iv. On the Expense Report Details page, review the Expense Report, edit as applicable, and click Submit Report.
Note: A confirmation message will be displayed in the upper right corner of the screen and the expense report status will change to Pending.
Note: For an Expense Report with the status of Pending that awaits approval, the user may check the status within the Expense Report Details page, under the Approval Workflow tab.
Expense Report Status Descriptions
Expense Report Status | Expense Report Status Description |
New | The Expense Report is newly created and needs to be reviewed and submitted for approval. |
Pending Approval | The Expense Report is submitted for and awaiting approval. |
Approved | All approvals are completed for the Expense Report, and it is awaiting payment and reconciliation. |
Rejected | The Expense Report has been rejected by the approver. No action is needed. |
Paid | The Expense Report has been fully processed, and expense reimbursement is paid to the requestor. |
Closed | The Expense Report has been fully processed, expense reimbursement is paid and reconciled. |
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