Corpay Complete provides the option to request funds via a single-use virtual card when you submit a purchase requisition. In order for this option to be available to you, your company must have the Corporate Card Module activated.
To request a virtual card;
- Log in to Corpay Complete.
- Navigate to the Purchase Orders section via the main navigation on the left of the portal.
3. On the Purchase Orders page, click on the Request PO button at the top of your screen. This will bring you to your company request form.
4. Complete the required fields based on your company's policies.
5. At the bottom of the header level section of the form, you will see a toggle switch labeled Card Required. If you need a virtual card for this purchase, simply click on the toggle switch to turn it on.
Card Required "off":
Card Required "on":
6. Once you have finished filling out the necessary fields on your PO request form, submit your request for approval.
Note: After your request has been fully approved, the PO will be eligible for a virtual card. If a card approval workflow is set up for the customer, the card issuance will go through this process. Otherwise, an admin will issue your virtual card directly to you, which will be accessible on the Corpay Complete platform. Once this has been done, you will receive an email notification of issuance.
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