- NEW = The accrual has just been submitted and your Customer will need to review the accrual and commence the approval process.
- PENDING = The accrual has been received by your Customer and is currently being reviewed internally for approval/rejection.
- APPROVED = The accrual has been approved by your customer and now needs to be changed by your Customer to OPEN in order for associating/linking invoices against it. Some Customers request a status change from Approved to Open be done manually while some Customers will have their accruals go straight from Pending to OPEN.
- OPEN = The accrual has been approved by your customer and is ready for associating invoices to it. The invoices against which accruals are issued needs to be linked to the accrual.
- CLOSED = The accrual has been matched/linked fully with Invoices and there's no balance left in the accrual.
- REJECTED = The accrual has been rejected by the Customer for whatever reason.
Please Note: Your Customer's admin can manually change the status of the accrual at their choice.
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