Once an invoice has been submitted it goes through various status as follows:
NEW = The invoice has just been submitted and your Customer will need to review the invoice and commence the approval process. These invoices have not been approved internally by your customers. They are in your Customers Accrualify account.
PENDING = These invoices have been received by your Customer and are now in the process of being reviewed and approved.
APPROVED = These invoices have been approved internally and now need to be changed by your Customer to OPEN in order for payment to be processed. Some Customers request a status change from Approved to Open be done manually while some Customers will have their invoices go straight from Pending to OPEN.
OPEN = These invoices have gone through all internal approval processes and are now ready for approval.
REJECTED = The invoice has been rejected by the Customer for whatever reason.
PAID = The invoice has been PAID by the Customer. You will need to monitor the "Payments" section to see the status of the actual payment.
Please Note: Your Customer's admin can change the status of these invoices at their choice.
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