1.Login to Accrualify and go to Purchasers Tab.
2.Click on “Request PO” button.
3.Select the PO type
Single Vendor PO = The PO is related to only one vendor
Multiple Vendor PO = The PO is related to more than one vendor
Expense Reimbursement PO = The PO is related to internal expense reimbursement purposes.
Corporate Card PO = The PO is related to Internal expense reimbursement for Corporate Card issued to employee.
4.Select vendor name if its Single/Multiple vendor PO
5.Enter all Item details like name, description pre-tax amount, tax amount etc
6.Select the budget code, subsidiary and department to be assigned to PO.
7.Attach any documents(if any contract agreement, purchase order document etc).
8. Click Submit button if you wanted to submit the PO for approval. Otherwise click DRAFT button.
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